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  • Amelia

Feeling Blue!

It’s official!

Research has confirmed what we all knew all along....being by the water, being in the presence of natural blue in our environment significantly helps with our mental health.

For most this won’t come as any surprise. Whether you are in the water, walking along the coast or enjoying a stroll under a clear blue sky, the feeling of exhilaration, freedom from stress is physical. That sense of release, an out breath from our daily lives gives us all such a lift and makes it easier to return and cope with the everyday challenges we all face.

So how can we make the most of this life changing research whilst under lockdown?

The good news is that whilst we can’t all indulge our love of the sea and coast during lockdown we can still get benefits by surrounding ourselves with blue things. In fact, the research highlighted on the recent Countryfile episode New Year, New Me showed that even watching programmes such as Blue Planet significantly enhanced mental well being.

Here are our favourite tips for raising our spirits when the gloom of winter gets you down....

- Go for a walk under a clear blue sky and breathe in the freshness of the winter chill. Head home for a cosy cuppa with glowing cheeks and a smile on your face.

- Watch an episode of the David Attenborough’s Blue Planet or similar nature programme and wonder at how amazing our planet is.

- Create a blue mood wall full of pics from your favourite places and adventures by the coast and sea or under beautiful blue skies

- Paint a wall in your home a shade of mood enhancing blue and create a space where you can relax and enjoy the slower pace of winter

- Start an adventure mood board of places and things you want to do once life returns to normal

- Watch a surf movie to inspire you to keep fit and ready for getting back out there

- Wear a blue comfy jumper or snuggle under a warm blue blanket and close your eyes and imagine you are immersed in the heat of ocean

- Print out our free inspiring posters to help boost your mood (you will find these at the bottom of the page)

Whatever you do just remember that the dark days are not forever and blue skies, adventures and that all important time in the water will be here sooner than you think.

Do you have any top tips for raiding your spirits during this gloomy time? Let us know! Tag us on social @yemayacollections & we will share our favourites!

Check out out free inspirational posters here to add a bit of ocean blue to your life:


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